Author Archives: Flow King Rooter

How often should you clean your septic tank?

workers cleaning a septic tank

How often should you clean your septic tank?

For homes in rural areas, there aren’t city services like sewer systems and water. That’s why these homes have water wells for water and septic systems for sewage. However, both take some maintenance and upkeep such as well water treatment and septic tank cleaning

In this piece, we will answer common questions about septic tank cleaning and maintenance, after we explain how a septic tank works. Questions like, “Where does septic tank waste go?”.  Like the city sewer system, a septic tank takes the dirty water coming from your bathrooms, kitchen, and laundry room. 

It is a seven-step process:  

  1. Wastewater from the bathroom, kitchen, laundry comes from the house and flows into the septic tank.
  2. Inside the septic tanks are anaerobic bacteria that break down part of the waste.
  3. The inorganic material, the solid waste, settles to the bottom while the liquid waste rises to the top, including fats, grease, and oils.
  4. The liquid wastewater seeps into an area outside the septic tank through perforated pipes called a drain field.
  5. Aerobic bacteria clean this wastewater.
  6. The clean water drains into groundwater.
  7. Over time, the septic tank fills up and is emptied by a contractor. 

Can I clean my septic tank myself?

Sure, but it isn’t recommended.  If septic tank cleaning isn’t done correctly, the septic tank can be damaged, and the waste improperly disposed. Without the proper equipment, the waste is not completely removed, and the tank will need emptying sooner than it should. 

When septic tank cleaning is done by a professional, they will locate the septic tank easier to find the cleanout without damaging your property. They will have the proper equipment and tools for faster septic tank cleaning, and they are able to completely empty the tank. 

What happens if you never pump your septic tank?

With each toilet flush, shower taken, load of dishes or laundry, the wastewater and waste are transported by gravity to the septic tank. The wastewater is carried from the septic tank to a drain field, as the solid waste sinks to the tank’s bottom and remains, where it begins to breakdown. 

As the waste breaks down, it becomes slime, a sludge type material. This is what the contractor pumps out to prevent the tank from become too full and can’t function correctly. Then the wastewater and overflows into the yard. This creates a septic tank odor around the outside of your home, and the waste could start to back up inside your home, bringing that same odor. 

Therefore, septic tank cleaning should never be skipped! That backup sewage is a health hazard for you and your family. 

Which septic tank treatment is best?

A natural bacterium is needed for a septic tank to process the waste and wastewater. Once a month, adding a septic tank treatment will boost that natural bacterium so that it can effectively degrading the waste inside the tank. The contractor that empties your tank can suggest the right product to use or the following five products are recommended: 

  • BEST OVERALL SEPTIC TANK CLEANING: Cabin Obsession Septic Tank Treatment
  • BEST BUDGET SEPTIC TANK CLEANING: Green Gobbler Septic Saver Bacteria Enzyme Pacs
  • SEPTIC TANK CLEANING FOR CLOGS: Instant Power 1868 Septic Shock
  • BEST MONTHLY SEPTIC TANK CLEANING: Walex Bio-Active Septic Tank Treatment

What should you never put in a septic tank?

Like a city sewage system, there are things that shouldn’t ever be flushed or washed into a septic tank because they won’t dissolve, filling the tank faster than necessary: 

  • Disposable diapers.
  • Feminine products
  • Cigarette butts.
  • Paper towels.
  • Plastics.

What will ruin a septic system?

The following is a list of things that can damage a septic tank system: 

  • Paper Products: Just because it is a “paper product” doesn’t mean you can flush it down the toilet. If it isn’t toilet paper product, it can clog the septic system like tissues, requiring a professional septic tank cleaning service. 
  • Grease: Cooled or hot grease should never be poured down the drain or flushed down the toilet. Just like city plumbing, grease can damage your pipes and the septic system. Instead, let the grease solidify and then scrape it off in the trash.
  • Drain Cleaner: Large amounts of a drain cleaner will corrode the pipes in your home and go into the septic system. In addition, drain cleaning products will kill the bacteria needed for your septic system to process as intended. Yes, you can have too much of a good thing. 
  • Additives: The enzyme additives advertised for septic tank cleaning will damage your septic system. This enzyme will break down the solids too much, creating smaller particles that float up and then leach into the drain field, creating clogs. 
  • Cat Litter: Yes, cat litter has cat waste, but that doesn’t make it a flushable material. Cat litter is damaging to plumbing, on city sewer or septic system, when flushed, creating a nasty clog. Cat litter is a clay-based product that should never be flushed or washed through pipes or into a septic tank system. 
  • Neglecting to Pump: Not having your septic tank pumped on a regular schedule every three to five years, is one of the quickest ways to damage the system. A septic tank cleaning is needed to keep the tank from backing up in to your home and the drain field. 
  • Planting Trees and Shrubs: A drain field can look boring, but that’s okay. Yes, you want your home to have landscaping and privacy, but planting trees and shrubs is not the answer. The roots will grow into the perforated pipes of the drain field and clog them, disabling the intended purpose of a drain field.
  • Washer Lint: No, there isn’t much you can do about the lint coming from your synthetic clothing when washed. While good bacteria and enzymes break down solids, they cannot digest synthetic fibers, which will overload the system, resulting in expensive repairs. Have a lint filter installed on the washing machine is the best solution. 
  • A Garbage Disposal: A garbage disposal should not be installed in a home that is on a septic system. Yes, they will grind food particles up into small particles, and those particles settle in the tank’s bottom, building up fast and requiring a professional septic tank cleaning service call faster. 
tools for unclogging and cleaning a septic tank

In Closing – How long will a septic tank last?

With proper maintenance and routine septic tank cleaning, your septic tank can last up to 30 years. The more proactive with the maintenance, the better your system will work and extend its lifespan. 

What is the best water purification method?

close-up of someone holding a glass of clean water

The Importance of Clean Water

Here in Missouri, folks want to make sure they are taking care of their families as adequately as possible. With the high concern of ground chemicals from lawn care, pest control, and agriculture use, many of us are concerned about how safe the water really is that comes into our homes. Because of that, water purification has become a popular subject today. 

What is the importance of water purification?

A water purification system for the home offers several benefits, making the importance of water purification a substantial consideration for any homeowner: 

  • Safety 

While the municipal water treatment system where you live is effective, it isn’t infallible. The number contaminants making their way into the water system is still high. Whether it is from faulty and outdated water pipes, pollution, or lawn care and pesticide residue, even extraordinary weather conditions like heavy rains can cause a municipal water treatment facility to fail. A water purification system in place can remove many of the things that get by the original water treatment. 

  • Contaminants

Bacteria, lead, pesticides, viruses and more can get into a water supply. The biological, chemical, radiological, and physical compounds and substances can be almost impossible to completely remove from the water. While local water authorities are charged with regulating the amounts of specific substances that are acceptable, one small slip up can lower the standards that keep water safe for human consumption and use, making a stand for water purification stronger. 

  • Health

We need to drink water for our health, but when water contains bacteria and viruses, is it safe? Contaminated water can cause diseases like cholera, diarrhea, and dysentery as well as health issues for the young, elderly, and those with compromised health. A water purification system can remove any of those common contaminants of chemicals like chloride, copper, lead, and sodium. 

  • Environment

With more households concerned with the safety of their water, the increase of bottled water is in the millions – as many as 50 million European households use bottled water. Bottled water is also a convenience, but not without a cost. In addition to the cost financially, it costs the environment too, and not because of our landfills. Consider the manufacturing of plastic bottles, the transportation of those bottles to the plants where they’re filled with water, and then transport of that water to stores. 

  • Odor and Taste 

With a water purification system, your water is more than just healthier. It will be odor-free and will taste as pure and clean as you could desire! 

What is water purification and its process?

The process of water purification is designed to remove chemical compounds along with both inorganic and organic materials, as well as biological contaminants from drinking water. That process includes converting liquid into vapor, (distillation), and then condensing it again to a liquid form. Next is the removal of ion (deionization) using dissolved salts.

This process achieves the goal of water purification so that we have clean and safe drinking water in our homes. The water purification process allows us to meet the needs of chemical, industrial, medical, and pharmacological applications where clean and potable water is needed. Water purification also minimizes the contaminant concentration of algae, bacteria, fungi, parasites, particles, and viruses.

What are the stages of water purification?

Water purification has several steps for a complete treatment process. Those steps include: 

  • Collection
  • Screening and Straining
  • Chemical Addition
  • Coagulation and Flocculation
  • Sedimentation and Clarification
  • Filtration
  • Disinfection
  • Storage
  • Distribution

What are the different methods of water purification?

There are numerous methods for water purification, each having its own benefits. Three of the most common are: 

(1) Physical processes like distillation, filtration, and sedimentation

(2) Biological processes like active carbon or sand filters

(3) Chemical processes like chlorination, flocculation, and ultraviolet light

How do water purification systems work?

There are two ways for water filtration: 

  • Chemical Filtration: Water is treated and then impurities are removed with patent technology.
  • Physical Filtration: Water is strained usually through a gauze-like membrane that removes larger particles.

Is water purification expensive?

A few different options in water purification are available, with pricing ranging from as low as $60 and as much as $4,200. Some options include: 

Reverse Osmosis System: $200 to $4,200

This water purification system requires filter changes on a regular basis for efficient operation. That consideration can make the cost higher. 

Under Sink System: $200 to $1,300

Single tap water purification filter systems are a popular choice for homeowners when bathing, dishwashing, and laundry aren’t a concern. 

Countertop Machines: $60 to $500

These easy-to-use machines are a great choice, providing clean water on demand with a simple system you can set up yourself. 

How much is a whole house water purification system?

The pricing on a whole house water purification system will vary based on several factors. They range between $900 and can be as much as $3,100. The average cost most homeowners pay for both water treatment and water purification system is $2,100. 

woman drinking water from the tap

When The Glass of Water Is Full ….. 

Are water purification systems worth it? And is water purification safe? Water filtration will reduce the possible corrosion, improve pH levels, and extend the lifespan of the water fixtures of your home. Water purification prevents rust stains in the dishwasher, showers, sinks, tubs, and toilets while making clothes brighter, softer, and help them last longer. 

Where safety is concerned, water filtration will make the water your family consumes safer! In addition to having safer water, you’ll save money by not having to buy bottled water, and the bonus of helping the landfills too.

How to Improve Water Efficiency

excess water from faucet

 What are benefits of conserving water?

Environmentally friendly. Energy efficient. Conservation. These are all buzz terms and buzz words we hear all day, every day, and for good reason. The world has populated and we’re still depending on natural resources to get us through our days. While we’ve found ways to generate more power, and we’ve learned ways to be more friendly to the environment, water conservation hasn’t really been improved upon. 

With over 70% of the earth being covered in water, why is water conservation a concern? A few support facts why water conservation is so important: 

  • 97% of all that water is salt water and isn’t suitable for consumption.
  • With less than 3% of the water being fresh water, less than 1% of it is safe for consumption. 
  • The remaining fresh water is either in the atmosphere, underground, locked in glaciers or ice caps, or isn’t safe due to pollution. 

So, as our population grows and the consumable water doesn’t , water conservation becomes important. This doesn’t mean we shouldn’t drink the suggest eight 8 ounces glass a day, or never bathe again. It simple means we need to use our water wisely and take care of what safe water we have access to. Other reasons to conserve water and electricity both and get the full conserve water benefits include: 

  • Droughts and water shortage effects are minimized
  • Minimize rising costs – including personal budgets.
  • Preserve and protects the environment
  • Keep water available for recreation. 
  • Build and keep communities beautiful and safe. 

How can we save water in our daily life?

The importance of water conservation can’t be repeated and stressed enough. If you  practice the following simple suggestions for conserving water in your daily routine, you may be surprised how much money and water you’ll save: 

1. Shorten Your Shower Time

The average shower uses up to 17 gallons of water. Shorten that 15 minute shower to 5 minutes and you’ll save over 10 gallons of water. A long-standing battle is which is the most water efficiency, bath vs shower? Taking a bath uses up to 35 gallons of water, whereas you’d have to take a 10-minute shower with a standard showerhead to use that much water. Think of how much water you can save by replacing your current showerhead with a low-flow showerhead! Maybe enough to keep that 15 minute shower routine. 

2. Install Low Flow Toilet 

This water conversation measure has been encouraged for several years, and today, you’ll be hard-pressed to find a standard toilet. Most manufacturers have gone all low-flow to help minimize the largest sources of water waste. The standard toilet used up to 7 gallons per flush. Today, the toilets use up to 3 gallons per flush. Not only will that help the water conservation efforts, but it will save you money on the monthly water bill too.

3. Brushing Teeth, Shaving, Hand Washing 

Okay, so 2020 and into 2021, we’re all about washing our hands, and we aren’t telling you to stop doing that by any means! However, to conserve water, faucets should be turned off as you brush your teeth, soap your hands, and shave. Just turning off the water while you brush your teen every day can save up over 5 gallons of water. 

4. Washing Clothes and Dishes

Another step in water conservation is with your everyday household chores. As you wash the dishes, don’t leave the water running. When doing laundry, only wash full loads and your conserve water and electricity. The simple step of turning the faucet off as you wash dishes will save you over 13 gallons of water a day! 

5. Fix the Drips, Leaks, and Running Toilets

Almost 20 gallons of water a day are wasted by running toilets, dripping faucets, and leaking pipes. Fix them, replace them, whatever is needed will be a huge step in water conservation and will save you money each month too! 

Why is water efficiency important?

Like cancer, drought knows no boundaries. Anywhere and everywhere is susceptible to drought and water efficiency can minimize the effects of drought when it does happen. 

water from a slow faucet

How can we improve water efficiency?

In addition to the 5 things we’ve listed, some other water conservation steps you can take are: 

  • Don’t use a toilet for ashtray or trashcan.
  • Put a water-filled plastic bottle in the toilet tank if you can’t replace with low-flow toilet. 
  • Only run the automatic dishwasher when full.
  • Don’t run water while clean your vegetables.
  • Keep a bottle of water in the refrigerator for drinking.
  • Only water the grass when needed.
  • Don’t let the sprinklers water the gutters and streets. 
  • Plant plants and trees that are drought-resistant.
  • Layer mulch around your plants and trees.
  • Clean the driveway, sidewalks and steps with a broom.
  • Don’t let the water run when you wash your car. 

What will happen if we don’t conserve water?

If we don’t take water conservation steps today, eventually we could have inadequate water supply with drastic consequences resulting.  It will cause costs to increase and reduce our food supplies and cause health hazards. Need help with your home’s water efficiency? Call 314-348-7503 today!

Why is water efficiency important?

cleaning veggies

Using water efficiently

Why is water efficiency so important, it’s a natural resource, it’s always there, right? If we are short on water, why can’t we make some? Remember the story of the Hindenburg, the blimp of ill fate? To keep it floating, they filled it with hydrogen in 1937 to make its journey across the Atlantic. 

Along the way, it was hit by static electricity and that hydrogen sparked when it became mixed with ambient oxygen from the air. Then the hydrogen exploded, creating a huge ball of fire, destroying the ill-famed Hindenburg in under 60 seconds. Lesson to be learned from that catastrophe is that water can not be manufactured safely, thus making water efficiency a must.  

Someday maybe, scientist will discover way to make water, but in the meantime, water efficiency and conservation is something we need to practice and respect.  So, ask yourself, “What are 10 ways to save water?” and see what you can produce. To help you out we’ll share 10 ways to put water use efficiency in use: 

  1. Turn the faucet off when you brush your teeth.
  2. Only use the dishwasher and washing machine when they are full. 
  3. Install low-flow shower heads and faucet aerators.
  4. Fix all water leaks including dripping faucets and running toilets.
  5. Install a low-flow toilet or install a conversion kit on existing toilets.
  6. Don’t overwater the lawn, don’t water during peak water use periods, and install rain sensors on your irrigation system.
  7. Set up a rain barrel to collect rainwater for your outdoor watering needs.
  8. Plant a rain garden to catch rain runoff from the driveway, roof, or any hard surface. 
  9. Request a home water audit from your water department and then monitor the water usage in your home each month.  
  10. Exchange water efficiency tips with the community.

These are a few water saving methods you can do that will have a huge impact on your community’s water demand today and extend the water efficiency into the future. Did you know that the average American home uses up to 170 gallons of water per day. 

Across the oceans, the average Australian uses up to 36 gallons per day because of better water efficiency practices, and yet, they still enjoy a quality lifestyle. If the metro area of Atlanta Georgia would embrace the above suggested water efficiency tips, they could save as much as 130 gallons of water each day. 

Up to sixty percent of all domestic drinking water is used for watering gardens and yards, with a lot that wasted with misdirected sprinklers that are watering driveways, sidewalks, and the street. Over-watering, and evaporation are also huge water wastes. 

shower head

What uses more water a bath or shower?

So, what can you do in addition to the things we listed earlier to practice better water efficiency? Take short showers!  When looking at which is a better practice of water efficiency, bath vs shower, showers are the winner – when it is a 10 minute or shorter shower. 

A bath uses as much as thirty gallons of water where the standard shower uses twenty five gallons in 10 minutes. Of course, we’re not advising to forgo sanitation and increase the risks for bacteria and germs to spread, but the shorter your shower, the more you save with water efficiency and money! 

With these facts, maybe you’re wondering now, “How can I keep my water bill low?” Here are a few tips to help you do that, some of which we have already mentioned, but when it comes to saving a natural resource, water efficiency practices can’t be stated too much: 

  • Fix dripping and  leaky faucets: In most homes, this is the most obvious culprit. It may seem like a few drips each day, but those drips will add up. According to studies, that one drop can waste over 2,000 gallons of water in one year. 
  • Full loads only: When it comes to doing laundry, full loads only is the best solution for water efficiency and save wear-n-tear on your washing machine too. 
  • Less is better: Shorter showers are a huge water efficiency practice! Up to 17% of the water we use in our homes is showering according to the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency). Yes, that hot luxurious shower feels good every morning, but you’re using water you don’t need after 10 minutes, which is also costing you more money. 
  • Adjusting water temperature at the stove: Instead of running the water until it gets hot, heat your water up on the stove top. 
  • Efficient dish washing: A dishwasher will use less water than washing dishes by hand according to studies by the EPA. If your home doesn’t have a dishwasher, put a stopper in the drain then fill the sink with soapy water, then rinse with running water instead of keeping water running the whole time. If you are getting a new dishwasher or washing machine, look for water efficiency appliances. 
  • Install efficient shower heads: This is one area we take for granted if its working – the shower head. If you haven’t ever replaced it, do it now with a low-flow shower head and you’ll use under 3 gallons of water each minute, for those shorter showers you’re going to start taking. The old shower heads use up to 5 gallons or more per minute, that is over 130 gallons of water for each shower. 
  • The right time to water the garden and lawn: By waiting to water the garden and lawn when there is less chance of evaporation is water efficiency practice at its finest. The wrong time to water is during the hottest part of the day. Do your watering early in the morning or later in the evening. 
  • Utilize rainwater: Rainwater is free, so collect what you an in large containers or purchase a water cistern, then water your garden and lawn with the free water! 
  • Turn off the  bathroom faucet: Instead of letting the water run while you brush your teeth or shave, turn it off. Not only is this practicing water efficiency, but it will save you money too. 

Install water-efficient toilets and water heaters: Today, toilets are made to use only 1.3 gallons of water with each flush versus the old 5 gallons per flush.  When it is time to replace the water heater, choose a water heater efficiency rating that is an energy saver and has water efficiency features, like tankless water heaters. Call 314-348-7503 today for water efficiency appliance installation in St Louis, MO.

Is a sewer inspection necessary?

opening sewer inspection

What is a sewer scope inspection?  

If you live in the city limits, your home is connected to city sewer lines and if you live in a rural area, your home is on a septic system. Both have sewer lines that take the waste from your drains and toilet to either the city sewer system or your septic tank. From time to time, both city lines and septic systems need sewer inspection of the lines. 

A sewer inspection and cleaning on a routine schedule is the best way to avoid having sewer line problems like breaks and clogs, like a sewer line scope inspection. 

Typically, a sewer scope inspection is performed during a buying/selling of a property, but as a homeowner, you can have one performed as a standard part of home maintenance. A sewer inspection scope is quick, taking an hour or less in most cases, and is performed by a trained and professional inspector. 

This type of sewer inspection is done by the  inspector inserting a flexible borescope camera that is specially designed for this type of inspection. It will send pictures and a video back to a monitor that the inspector watches. The camera runs through the drainpipe and examines the sewer lines and all underground pipes connected to your home. It will show the inspector any flaws, imperfections, and possible issues or serious problems.

Once the sewer inspection is complete, the inspector will discuss what was discovered and found, if anything, and provide you a written report. If you are selling the house, a copy of the report will go to the buyer’s real estate agent as well. 

What does a septic inspection consist of?

There are two ways a septic inspection can be done. You need to hire an inspector that knows  what does a sewer inspection consist of to be sure you are getting what you need. Those two types are as follows: 

A Visual Septic Sewer Inspection

The septic inspector will start by checking the age of the septic system and the maintenance history of the system. Then they will proceed with the following steps: 

  • Flushing toilets – checking for adequate pressure to flush waste down completely.
  • Turning on Faucets  – checking there is proper water pressure.
  • Inspect the Drain field – making sure there is no standing water that could indicate septic lines need repair or replacing.

A Full Inspection

All of the above is included in a full septic inspection in addition to the following: 

  • Opening the tank cover and check the level, make sure water is flowing properly. Some inspectors will use a dye to measure how much water enters the tank. 
  • Drain the tank and check for any back flow from the draining field. 
  • Check for any blockages and clogs that are keeping the system from processing as intended. Any water discovered above the output pipe of the distribution box indicates an issue with the leach field.

How long does it take to do a septic inspection?

For a visual septic sewer inspection, you can expect the process to take between 45 minutes to an hour.  For a full sewer inspection, sewer inspection companies will send a certified inspector with the proper sewer inspection equipment and the process can take up to 3 hours.          

How much is a sewer line inspection?

Like anything else with your home, a sewer inspection has different costs based on the house, the location, the depth, and distance of the sewer lines, and more. Keep in mind that whatever the cost is for a sewer inspection, it will be cheaper than not getting one and then have sewer line repairs needed later. 

Average cost is between $800 to $1000 in most areas of the country. Some places may be less and some may be more expensive. Again, keep in mind that the $1000 you spend now to make sure there isn’t any sewer line or septic tank issues is cheaper than not knowing and be surprised later with an expensive repair and replacement, not to mention the inconvenience. 

sewer inspection

How do I know if there are roots in my sewer line?

As a property owner, we love trees around our homes. They offer aesthetics and shade, but they can also create problems with the sewer lines. Tree roots are known for creating obstruction and when that happens, it becomes a serious issue fast. Watch for the following warning signs and as soon as you have one or more of them, call a plumber immediately: 

  • Drains Slow Emptying – not just the sink, but toilet too. Any gurgling noise in the toile is a typical indicator of roots in the sewer line. A professional sewer inspection can confirm this for you and provide a quote for repair.
  • Sinkholes – these are normal in some areas, but they can also be caused by tree root damage to the sewer line. 
  • Blocked or Collapsed Pipes – Nothing is more inconvenient than a backed up toilet and what kids don’t flush down to cause the backup, then you can be certain tree roots will bust through sewer lines to cause damage. 
  • Strong Foul Odors – When tree roots bust through the sewer line, you’ll have a foul, strong odor around and inside your home, similar to rotten eggs. 

Having a sewer inspection every 5 years whether you’re selling your property or not is one measure a homeowner can take to assure they avoid major plumbing problems later. Call 314-348-7503 today for your sewer inspection in St Louis, MO.

Where would a natural gas leak come from?

gas leak line

Gas leak detection

Natural gas is a clean, safe source of energy used in homes for cooking and heating. It is safe until you have a gas leak. Detection is important when gas leak is noticed so that it can be prepared promptly. Many people avoid having natural gas in their home because they aren’t comfortable with gas. This is usually because they don’t know the facts about this power source, like where would a natural gas leak come from? 

We’re going to answer that question and others in this article because the more you know about natural and should know if you’re considering a home natural gas, the better you’ll feel about having it in your home. As we answer questions about natural gas, and the dangers that can be presented along with how to prevent those dangers and be prepared for them when they do happen. Gas leak detection for a homeowner is typically by the smell. 

Natural gas leak is composed largely of methane, an asphyxiant that drives oxygen out of an enclosed space and allows the gas to fill the space. So yes, natural gas is dangerous and as an extremely flammable and can be part of explosive mixtures if subjected to open air. The flammability and explosiveness can be avoided with prompt and proper gas leak detection. 

Gas pipes are like plumbing pipes in the fact they age and weaken over time, eventually bending, warping, and breaking. The older the gas supply line, they become risky of developing a gas leak. Detection can find what pipe and where the leak is coming from so a plumber can make the repair or replacement as needed. Other possible gas leaks can come from the main home gas supply line, home appliances which include kitchen, laundry, central heat system, and water heater.  

What does gas leak smell like?

Natural gas has a distinctive sulfurous odor, but actually, it isn’t the gas itself you smell. Natural gas is colorless, tasteless, and odorless. The sulfurous odor we smell is added by the gas company, Mercaptan, another colorless gas. Commonly called methanethiol, it gives natural gas a rotten egg smell that is an immediate gas leak detection.  

Is there a device to detect gas leaks?

When it comes to detecting natural gas, your nose is a great gas leak detection device. The sulfurous odor we discussed above will lead you to the gas leak before the carbon monoxide gets to a dangerous level. If you detect gas, go through this short check list: 

  1. Check all pilot lights including the cook stove, furnace, clothes dryer, and water heater. 
  2. Listen for hissing or whistling noises and see if you can detect where a gas leak may be coming from. 
  3. Test with soapy water in a spray bottle and spray around all gas connections. If you see bubbles, you have made a gas leak detection.
  4. Purchase a gas leak detector at your local home improvement store or hardware store and follow the instructions provided by the manufacturer. 

If there is no gas leak detection using this check list, evacuate the house, open all the windows, then call the gas company and 911.  If the gas odor is extremely strong, skip the above check list and make the phone calls instead after getting everyone out of the house safely. 

Will a carbon monoxide detector detect a gas leak?

A carbon monoxide detector is not designed with the intention of gas leak detection. However, it can alert you to any potential hazardous level of the air quality in your home. There are package deals today that include a carbon monoxide detector and smoke alarm, incorporating with smart devices like your cell phone.

What are the symptoms of natural gas exposure?

There isn’t necessarily physical indication or odors when there is a gas leak. Detection can be indicated by dead plants and the rotten egg odor we’ve described. Natural gas will reduce the oxygen in your home, and the physical symptoms that can tell you that having a plumber do a profession gas leak detection are the following: 

  • Ringing in ears
  • Reduced appetite
  • Chest pains
  • Nosebleeds
  • Blistering skin
  • Pale skin
  • Flu-type symptoms
  • Dizziness and lightheadedness
  • Breathing issues
  • Drowsy

Anyone can experience one or more of these symptoms, and these gas leaks can affect any pets in the house in the same manner. 

Will a natural gas leak kill you?

Without gas leak detection, yes a gas leak can be deadly. Natural gas leaks have been associated with less than 20 deaths a year. 

Will gas company fix gas leak?

Yes, if the gas leak is on the gas company’s side of the meter. A gas leak detection on your side of the meter, the repair is your responsibility. Other than tightening gas connections, the safest way for gas leak detection and repair, call a professional plumber that works on natural gas lines. 

How long does a gas leak take to fix?

A natural gas leak can usually be fixed within one hour but can take up to four hours. Where the gas line is located and the difficulty of getting to the gas line leak can determine the length of time. 

gas stove

Does homeowners insurance cover a gas leak?

Like any other homeowner’s insurance claim, you’ll need to check with your insurance policy, Generally, the standard homeowner’s insurance policy has coverage for gas leak explosions and if a natural disaster causes a gas leak like a blizzard,  fire,  hail, or lightening. Call 314-348-7503 today for your gas leak repair needs in St Louis, MO.

Can septic tanks be repaired?

septic tank lids in a row

Can septic tanks be repaired?

If you live in a rural area, or sometimes in a small town, your home may be on a septic tank system instead of city sewage system.  A septic tank is a large cylindrical or rectangular concrete container that is buried underground, usually behind a house. Some septic tanks are made of fiberglass, or polyethylene. If the septic system isn’t working properly, septic tank repair must be done promptly to avoid major trouble. 

The purpose of a septic tank is to separate solids, like human waste and toilet paper, from the wastewater that comes from the bath, laundry, kitchen, toilet, etc. The tank stores the waste, decomposes the solid waste and the liquid flows on to a drain field. This replaces the human waste and wastewater flowing into a sewage system. 

What happens if septic tank gets too full?

One of the most common calls that Septic Tank Specialist get is needing somebody for     fixing septic system because it is too full. What is too full and when is professional septic tank repair needed? 

Experts on septic tank repair say that your septic tank should “filled” to the regular liquid level. This is at the bottom of the outlet pipe that carries the liquid waste to the drain field where it is absorbed. This is usually from eight inches to twelve inches from the tank top on average. As long as the liquid is below the outlet pipe, the household and human wastewater is usually flowing to the drain field and being absorbed and there isn’t any need for septic tank repair service. 

If the household and human liquid wastewater level is above that outlet pipe, or at the tank’s top, that is considered “overfull. That is an indication that the septic tank is too full and above the normal operating level. At this point, professional septic tank repair is needed, however, it may not be an issue with the tank itself. It could be a number of other issues, starting with the absorption area or drain field.        

What breaks down sewage in a septic tank?

There is a complete ecosystem in a septic tank, living organisms that assist the septic tank in functioning as designed. For anyone that has a septic tank, it can be helpful to have some understanding how a septic tank works and the importance of septic tank maintenance and care. With that understanding, you’ll know that your septic system is functioning correctly or if you need professional septic tank repair, like if the bacteria isn’t doing what it needs to do inside the tank. 

Yes, in the case of septic tanks, bacteria is a good thing and with enzymes, it all helps a septic tank function. The bacteria and enzymes naturally form colonies inside the septic tank which keep the tank from getting backed up or overfull. If the bacteria and enzymes are working as they should, you’ll never need any septic tank repair services. 

The ideal working situation is the bacteria removes the sludge and enzymes eats away at the scum, while the microbes eat away the waste, transforming large amounts of sludge into gases and liquids. When this process is working properly, the septic tank is able to push that “treated” wastewater to the drain field.

The ideal perfect scenario, the bacteria and enzymes never need any assistance in completing their jobs. However, there are times that a septic tank needs help, and this is an important part of the maintenance and care by the homeowner. A septic tank needs to be pumped by a professional every few years to help the bacteria get caught up on its workload.  

There are additives that can be added to the septic system via the sinks and toilets, to strengthen the microbes and assist them in getting rid of the stubborn solids. There are times when those additives aren’t enough, causing issues with the bacterial in the septic tank. At this point, professional septic tank repair is required. 

How do you stop a septic tank from leaking?

A septic system provide a valuable service, and like the sewage system in the city, it isn’t something that is thought about very often. We need it, it’s there, done and done. However, when a septic tanks is leaking, it is the focus of the day! So, what do you need to do? Here are some recommendations: 

  1. Don’t Pump Water Out – this can create a health hazard. 
  2. Determine the Leak Location – if you’re not able to locate it, call the county health office in your area for a septic system layout of your septic system. (This is supposed to be filed with them after the system is installed). 
  3. Inspect for Damage – inspect around the septic tank and drain field, looking for holes in the ground, soil settling. If you aren’t finding anything, call a professional septic tank repair service. 
  4. Measure the Groundwater Depth – This is done with a soil prob or an auger, within 10 feet of the septic tank and 20 feet from the drain field. 
  5. If Your Septic System is a Mound System, Turn the Power off – if the electrical power gets under water, you’re going to need septic tank electrical repair in addition to leak repair. 
  6. Minimize Your Water Use – until the leak is found and repaired, minimize your water and waste that flow into the septic tank and drain field. 
  7. If a Problem is Still Present – once you locate and repair the leak or the issue causing the leak and there is still a problem, all for professional septic tank repair. 

How many years does a septic tank last?

With proper maintenance and upkeep by the homeowner, including professional pumping service every few years, a septic system lifespan can reach up to 40 years. There are other factors that can affect the lifespan expectancy of a septic tank, that can shorten that lifespan. Those factors include the materials the septic system was made from, the ground, tree roots, and vehicle traffic.

So, when you are faced with septic system repair or replacement, it is a big financial investment. You want to make sure you’re working with a qualified septic system professional and have a written guarantee on the workmanship and the septic system itself.  How long does it take to replace septic system?

Installing a new septic system can take up to five days. Installing a replacement can take between 2 to 5 days, depending on how much trouble the crew has disconnecting and remove the existing tank. It can take longer when new lateral lines are laid that lead to the drain field and then the connection to the house. Again, it is important to use only a certified, insured, and license sept tank professional. This should be the same person you can call for septic tank repair service as well. Call 314-348-7503 today for your septic system service in St Louis, MO.

Signs You Have a Bad Garbage Disposal

garbage disposal entry in sink

Why has my garbage disposal stopped working?

The garbage disposal became an appliance in many homes by the late 1930s. Ever since, then, there are many homeowners that have never lived in a house without one. While there are environmentalist that can find fault with the use of garbage disposal, we don’t see them disappearing from this world, nor will the need for garbage disposal repair

If your garbage disposal doesn’t turn on when the switch is flipped and there is no humming sound coming from the motor, you probably have an electrical issue. The following steps will help you identify what the problem is and fix it with having to schedule a garbage disposal repair service call. 

  • Confirm the garbage disposal is plugged into the electrical outlet. 
  • Press the reset button which is typically a red button located on the bottom
  • If this doesn’t start the garbage disposal, check your main fuse service panel and if the circuit breaker of the garbage disposal as flipped, flip it back.
  • If that didn’t start your garbage disposal, there could be a wiring issue with the unit. Locate the switch that disposal power switch on the wall or under the sink.  
  • Turn the circuit breaker off that you just checked. 
  • Disassemble the switch that controls the disposal and inspect the wire connections. Sometimes it is nothing more thana loose connection that can be tightened up. 
  • Once you have the wire connection secured, if the unit isn’t working, you may need to replace the switch itself. At this point, you may want to schedule a contractor and have them make any further attempts of garbage disposal repair or replace the unit.

 You may be able to avoid having a garbage disposal repairs when you know these signs a garbage disposal is going out: 

  • Unusual Noise
  • Frequent Reset Required
  • Puzzling Clogs
  • Loss of Power
  • Unrelenting Odors
  • Performance Decreasing
  • Water Leak 

Why is my garbage disposal humming?

The most common reason a garbage disposal hums is because there is something stuck in the blades. It could be food or any foreign object, even a dishcloth. As long as there is something stuck there and the blades are jammed and unable to rotate as designed, you need garbage disposal repair. 

How do I fix a garbage disposal that just hums?

A humming garbage disposal may not be something that requires professional garbage disposal repair service when you know How to repair a garbage disposal with these six steps. Often the plumber or contractor will find that there is nothing more than some food pieces stuck in  the blade or drain hole causing the garbage disposal to jam and hum. Before you make that garbage disposal repair call, try these things first: 

  1. Unplug the garbage disposer and turn the electrical power off to the motor. 
  2. With an Allen wrench hex head, loosen the breaker socket at the bottom section of the unit. 
  3. By turning the wrench backward and forward, the flywheel will turn and should free whatever is jammed in the blades.
  4. If the isn’t a hex hole or if you don’t have an Allen wrench, using a broom will sometimes unstick what is stuck. You should force it down and against one of the blades, then rotate backward and forward manually.
  5. Turn all the power back to the unit and plug it back in, trying the unit to see if the function is restored. 

If these steps did not get your unit working again, you’ll need to call a plumber that does garbage disposal repairs. 

How hard is it to replace a garbage disposal?

Before calling a plumber for Garbage disposal repair and replacement, you may want to read the following steps and give it a try yourself.  A garbage disposal can cost as little as $50, but when the plumber gets through installing the unit, you may be looking at $200 or more. Save some money and DIY with a few basic tools: 

  • All the parts needed for installing your new garbage disposal will come with the unit. Take the time to check what is in the box and become familiar with the parts.
  • With a double sink, plumb the garbage disposal to discharge right to a tee under the sink opposite of where you’re installing the unit at a ¼ inch drop so that it can drain properly.
  • Knock out the knockout to the dishwasher with a hammer and screwdriver. Be sure to get the knockout piece out of the disposal. 
  • Install the cord and plug to the new garbage disposal. The new unit probably won’t come with the electrical cord so you can reuse the one you have or buy a new one. 
  • Assemble support for removing the garbage disposal. With a garbage disposal weighing up to fifteen pounds, it is difficult to hold it up with one hand and mount the new unit with the other hand. If you have ever looked under a kitchen sink, you know there isn’t room for more than one person to help. Use scrap wood with a half inch space under the old unit that will allow it to drop down. You can reuse this support for the new unit as you install it. 
  • Reuse the old discharge tube if possible. It may be longer than what your new garbage disposal needs, but that can be easily adjusted with a hacksaw. If it is too short, you’ll need to purchase a new one. 
  • If the old flange hasn’t been leaking and is intact and tight, leave it and use it again. 
  • Removing an old snap ring can be a frustrating process without this trick: Start at the break in the ring and insert a thin-blade flathead screwdriver between the flange and the ring then pull down on the ring with the screwdriver and scoot it around the ring. It should pop off easily. 
  • With the new sink flange installed, you need to keep it from shifting around as you assemble the parts under the sink. A flange that moves too much can begin leaking. Have somebody press the sink flange down on, applying weight to hold it in place. 
  • Hanging a new disposal requires rotating the lower mounting ring to tighten the seal between the garbage disposal and sink flange. The lower ring will ride up, but that final inch will require some muscle. This can be with a tongue-grove pliers and squeeze them together.  
garbage disposal under sink

Can you put Drano in a garbage disposal?

Yes, and they have specific types of Drano for specific problems. For a sink with a garbage disposal that has a clog, use Drano® Max Gel Clog Remover. If your garbage disposal has an odor you can’t get rid of, use Drano® dual-force foam clog remover.

By knowing how to maintain a garbage disposal, you can get a few more years than the manufacture suggest and avoid these aggravating issues as we’ve discussed in this article. Here are some suggested maintenance tips to keep the need for garbage disposal repairs minimized: 

  • Keep foreign objects out of the disposal. 
  • Break up large pieces of food before grinding. 
  • Always use cold water with your garbage disposal. 
  • Keep your garbage disposal clean by pouring a small amount of dish soap with cold water after each use. 
  • Grind ice cubes in the unit once a money to maintain sharp blades.

Need help with your garbage disposal in St Louis, MO? Call 314-348-7503 today!

How Do You Inspect a Hot Water Heater?

How Do You Inspect a Hot Water Heater?

Are you wondering about how a hot water heater is inspected? Well, to begin with, inspecting a hot water heater is a job that is best reserved for a qualified water heater technician and plumber. He or she will begin the process with a visual inspection. The professional will review whether there are signs of leaks on the unit. The relief valve will also be privy to inspection. The piping to and from could also be a problem, which is why they are part of the inspection process.

Do Home Inspectors Check Water Heaters

Apparently, the water heater checkup is an important part of what a certified home inspection will do. If you are hearing unusual noises from your water heater, it will be pertinent for you to get it thoroughly inspected sooner rather than later. If the home inspector smells something unpleasant, similar to rotten eggs, then the problem could be with the gas or sediment. When there are sediment clogs in your water heater unit, then the unit will work quite hard to counteract that pressure, resulting in large electricity bills. In such instances, a home inspector will recommend draining and flushing the unit.

Do Water Heaters Need to Be Serviced?

If you have a new water heater installation, you will be relieved to find that a new water heater installation will last between eight to twelve years, according to manufacturer stipulations. However, this estimate is dependent upon the amount of maintenance that you enlist for your current unit. For example, a simple three-step annual maintenance plan will extend the life of your water heater.

What are the Signs of a Failing Water Heater?

There are a few obvious signs that homeowners should be aware of when it comes to their failing water heater. Please review the following list to discover more.

  • You no longer have hot water flowing through your appliances.
  • If you hear rumbling or popping noises from your water heater unit.
  • If you have a leaking or faulty pressure relief valve.
  • If your tank is leaking water.
  • If the water coming out of your tap is cloudy.

If you have observed one or more of these problematic symptoms, it’s best to call a qualified water heater professional as soon as possible.

How Often Should You Flush Your Water Heater?

Water heater inspection and testing will often reveal the current condition of your water heater. As any water heater professional can attest, it is healthy for you to flush your water heater at least once a year. When you get your water heater flushed, you can prevent the potential problems that sediment can accumulate over time. Furthermore, you will see the quality of your water improve when you have your water heater flushed.

What is a Water Heater Inspection

If you are thinking about scheduling a water heater inspection, you may want to understand what it entails. A water heater inspection will include a number of safety checks. These checks include inspecting the water heater for fuel gas piping and checking the fuel gas piping for the accurate amount of pressure. The gas pressure regulator will need to be verified to ensure that it is within the gas pressure range on the appliance gas regulator.

Hot Water Heater Inspection 

A water heater professional plumber will be happy to perform your water heater inspection. As alluded to previously, your plumber will perform an initial visual inspection. He or she will look around the tank for signs of leaks and investigate the piping. Next, the tank will be flushed. This should be done once a year for optimal water quality. Furthermore, the anode rod will be reviewed. The anode rod is the water heater’s defense mechanism against rust and corrosion. The anode rod will prevent premature failure.

Hot Water Heater Inspection Checklist

The checklist for a hot water heater inspection will include a temperature and pressure relief valve check to make sure that it was installed at the correct location and of the proper type. If you have a gas-fired water heater, it will include flue-gas spillage detectors. If you have an oil fired device, it will include a fire-safety valve that shuts off fuel to the appliance in case of a fire.

water heater inspection

Water Heater Inspection Form

Before you purchase a home, it is essential for you to check over the features and appliances that are included. Ranging from the water heater to the plumbing system, to the gas and electrical connections, it is incredibly important for you to know exactly what you are getting into. A water heater inspection form is one of the ways for you and your plumber to be on the same page when it comes to inspections.

If you would like a water heater inspection in St Louis, MO, please reach out to our qualified plumbers today. You can easily get in touch with our friendly team with a quick phone call to 314-348-7503.

What Can Cause a Pipe to Burst?

burst pipe

Water damage from burst pipe

Oh my!  You walked into the laundry room and the floor is under water, water is spewing everywhere! What happened, when, and what causes a pipe to burst like that? Here in the St. Louis area, cold weather time of the year sees a lot of busted water pipes, but the weather hasn’t gotten that cold yet, so what’s the deal? Burst pipe repair was the last thing you needed right here at the start of the holidays! 

If this busted water pipe isn’t from freezing temps that freeze water inside water pipes, what else could cause a burst pipe repair? A significant water pressure increase can bust a water pipe, or a faucet, the toilet, or other failed water fixture can cause the need for burst pipe repair too. 

The results are not always pretty either with flooded floors and damage to the flooring, the furniture, and more.  Besides freezing temps causing pipes to bust and lead to unexpected burst pipe repair, there are other potential reasons too. The four most common causes of water pipe bursting are: 

  • Frozen Water Pipes
  • Moving Water Pipes
  • Increased Water Pressure
  • Pipe Corrosion

What causes these things to happen requiring emergency burst pipe repairs though? A quick review here and then we’re going to answer some frequently asked questions: 

  • Freezing Temperature: We’ve already stated this, and you’ve heard it countless times, but freezing weather can cause major problems for your home’s water pipes and emergency burst pipe repair. Yes, the cold temperatures will cause contraction in most things. However, when the water becomes ice, it expands and has more volume. That increases pressure inside the pipes and when it can’t escape through the faucet or spigot, it bursts out of the pipe, usually at a weak area, like a joint. This is why plumbers recommend leaving the water at a trickle in freezing temps to keep that pressure from building. Another step to avoid burst pipe repair emergencies is to insulate all the pipes before the temperatures start dropping. Keeping cabinet doors open under the sink is a bust too so that warm air gets to the pipes. 
  • Movement and Hammering: When water pipes aren’t rigidly attached, they move around when the water is turn on and off. This is distinguished by the sound of pipes clanging, or hammering, inside the walls or under the floors. With constant clanging or hammering, moving back and forth, the joint weaken and eventually, a joint will fail, allowing the pressurized water to burst, pipe repairs to follow. This can be avoided by making sure all the piping is securely attached as it should be and that there is no air in the lines.  A professional plumber can check these things and adjust as needed. 
  • Water Pressure: Maintaining a normal water pressure is crucial for water supply pipes not to burst. A major increase in the pressure will lead to pipes bursting and that leads to emergency burst pipe repairs and possible expensive damage to your home. If you believe the water pressure in your home is too high, a professional plumber can check the pressure at each faucet and spigot. Or have the city to check the pressure at the meter. Most homes have a water pressure  between 30 to 50 psi and should never exceed 60 psi to avoid emergency burst pipe repairs.
  • Corrosion: Water pipes should have a long life span with years of reliable service, but not  indefinite. Corrosion is inevitable, but it takes years for it to build up. It is caused by pH imbalance that takes a toll over time, especially if the water supply to your home is hard water and the pipes are galvanized iron. The minerals in the water slowly wear the galvanized coating, and the iron pipe beneath that coating is exposed. From there it, iron oxide or rust begins to narrow the pipe’s diameter, leading to emergency burst pipe repair needed.

Is a burst pipe an emergency?

A water leak in the laundry room that you can’t stop is an emergency and requires immediate burst pipe repair. However, a toilet running after it has flushed, isn’t an emergency. Then, there are environmental factors to be considered, like a rain draught in the summer. You shouldn’t let water just keep running. Nor do you want water running non-stop when the temperatures are below freezing. Common sense is needed before declaring you have an emergency burst pipe repair. 

Can you fix a broken pipe?

Repairing a broken water pipe is doable whether it is copper or PVC pipe. You’ll need to turn the water main off and then simply cut the broken part out and insert new pipe, using plumbers’ tape to secure the new to the existing. 

How do you fix a burst pipe?

There are videos online that can give you step-by-step instructions how to repair a burst pipe, and big box home improvement retail stores often have classes that you can take, even if you don’t have a burst pipe repair currently. Taking the class when you don’t have the immediate need is the best time!       

How long does it take to repair a burst pipe?

There are several factors and situations that can affect how long it takes. A basic burst pipe repair job can take a couple of hours.  If the pipe is under the house or buried underground, it could take a full day. How old your pipes are can affect how long the repair takes too.  The older the pipe and the type of pipe can take longer if the piping keeps breaking while repairs are happening. 

How do you know if you have a burst pipe?

A tiny water leak can do a lot of damage to drywall, flooring, and more if not addressed and repaired quickly. Finding a leak is the issue, so you need to know what are signs of a burst pipe. Some indications of burst pipe repair needed are: 

  • Water pressure changes
  • Water marks and stains on ceiling, floors, and walls
  • Water dripping, water puddles, water standing
  • Discolored or odor from faucets
  • Bulging pipes
  • Water bill increased unexpectedly
poor repair on a leaking pipe

Does homeowners insurance cover burst pipe?

Yes. No. Maybe. It all depends on what burst water pipe repair is needed and how the burst pipe happen. If the insurance adjuster determines the burst water pipe repair is needed because of homeowner neglect, then no, they will deny your claim. If the water pipe burst because of natural causes, like an earthquake, then yes, your homeowner’s insurance should pay for repair and any damage that was caused. 

Every insurance company has different factors in determining what is covered and no two policies are the same.  Review your homeowner’s policy every so often so that you know what is covered and what isn’t. Discuss your coverage with your agent once a year and consider any upgrades they may suggest. The insurance company will consider if you have a burst pipe vs broken pipe in determining a claim too.  A burst is a wide open area where water is flowing freely and usually happens unexpectedly.  A broken pipe is usually from a constant issue that could be addressed and fixed before the water did its damage, like a small leak. This is  why you need to get a small leak fixed the moment you notice it. Call 314-348-7503 today for your pipe burst repair in St Louis, MO.